Multicultural Britain

How has diversity created a new Britain?

Démarrage: 20/11/23

Objectifs de la séquence  :


Communicationnels :


Etre capable d’expliquer l’intérêt d’un projet futur, à l’oral et à l’écrit.


Linguistiques :


Les temps du passé/ rebrassage comparatif & superlatif/ opposition & contraste/ le present perfectVS simple past/ would like to/ nom verbal/ adjectifs et noms de nationalité


Méthodologique :


Développer des stratégies pour anticiper la d’un message écrit.


Phonologiques :


La prononciation du -er en fin de mot, accentuation des mots et des syllabes.


Culturels :


Identité britannique moderne/ l’immigration au Royaume-Uni/ Influence multiculturelle sur les arts, la littérature, la nourriture et la mode.


Notion du programme abordée => Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui


MISSION : Collecter des informations à partir d’un document audio ou vidéo (CO). Tu pourras t’en servir, en plus des choses que tu as apprises dans ce chapitre, pour réaliser un poster annonçant un évènement multiculturel (réel ou inventé).


Séance 1

Objectifs de la séance :  contraste (while/whereas)

=>  Découverte du thème et de la problématique.

HW : Learn « useful words »  + complete phonetics on sheet.


Séance 2

=> CO, Being British,  New Missions, 2014. 

HW : And now, a little grammar (sheet)


Séance 3

=> CE, “A taste of Britain”,

HW : Read text again and look up + learn 3 words that you didn’t know (meaning + phonetics).


Séance 4

=> CE, “A taste of Britain”, part 2

HW: Exercice comparatifs sur feuille.


Séance 5

=> CO, The British, a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah, 2000.

HW : Find 3 more interesting facts about Benjamin Zephaniah.


Séance 6

=> CO, The British, a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah, 2000, part 2

Benjamin Zephaniah's poem for you to read after listening to it in class:

 The British

 Take some Picts, Celts and Silures

And let them settle,

Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.

Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years

Add lots of Norman French to some

Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.


Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, Dominicans,

Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,

Vietnamese and Sudanese.


Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians

And Pakistanis,

Combine with some Guyanese

And turn up the heat.


Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,

Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some

Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese

And Palestinians

Then add to the melting pot.


Leave the ingredients to simmer.


As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish

Binding them together with English.


Allow time to be cool.


Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,

Serve with justice

And enjoy.


Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste.


Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.


Benjamin Zephaniah, « The British », Wicked World!, 2000


HW :  Click on a link below to find 3 MULTICULTURAL EVENTS and their origin (Irish? Indian British? Carribean? European? American?)

Go to:                                             



Gr 3)



Séance 7

=> GROUP WORK: Choose a cultural event you’d like to attend and say why*

.HW : And now, a little Grammar… ‘would like to’


Séance 8

=>CO, Gone too far (trailer from, Poisson Rouge Pictures, 2013)

HW : Find out information about Notting Hill’s carnival.


Séance 9

=> CE, “Notting Hill’s Carribean Carnival”, Georgia Chambers, The Evening Standard, August 2014

HW : Read text again and look up + learn 3 words that you didn’t know (meaning + phonetics).


Séance 10

=> CE, “Notting Hill’s Carribean Carnival”, part 2

HW: Read + do exercice on sheet  simple past VS present perfect*


Séance 11

=> CO, “7 things you know if you grew up with immigrant parents”, BBC3/ Mentorn Media, 2016


HW : Question D on sheet + prepare for test